
Toronto Valorant Esports Tournament

National Esports Tournament is happy to announce a return to its hosting of tournaments in Toronto and online starting with a Valorant tournament! NEST is in the pre-planning stage and will release more details in the near future. In the meantime if you are interested in getting involved sign up for an account with us and we will let you know when signups are available! Sponsors are also welcome to contact us at partner@nesthq.ca   In addition to our upcoming competitions we will be awarding competitors with our NEST points which can earned in a variety of ways.
  • Competing in our Tournaments
  • Participating in Challenges
  • Purchasing from our store
  • Purchasing from our partners
  • Obtained through giveaways
  • Winning our draws
What can you do with NEST Points? Redeem them for prizes! Collect NEST points to redeem from our store and receive free prizes. If you don’t see something you want right away, hold on to your points and wait for our next round of prizes.

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