
How to become a Pro Steamer / Player – Online Course

$60.00 / Points: 60000

This course is a great way to start of your Esports career by learning how to navigate the difficult landscape of players and streamers. Learn how to become a Pro Steamer / Player.

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How to become a Pro Steamer / Player – Online Course


This course will jump start your path by going through some of the most important elements that are often overlooked or not discussed. Get prepped using this advice from some of the best advisors in the industry. Whether you are starting out or need to review anything this helps keep you on the right track.

What is covered:

What to Expect – The cost and considerations of starting to become a Pro Steamer / Player

Building your Brand – Overview of how to get your name out there

Contracts – Some helpful advice to help you from getting into bad contracts and saving you trouble in the future.

Planning Ahead – How to get, and more importantly stay on the top

Learn all the important aspect to becoming successful and protecting your financial future as a professional esports player. Use this knowledge to become a world champion in whatever game you choose to play. Help prepare yourself or another by applying this knowledge and expertise to your future career plans.

National Esports Tournament provides this information in efforts that more players can become professionals and have a chance to be paid for their passion in Esports tournaments, competitions, and all other forms of Esports.


Full Course Curriculum:
· What to expect & What you need
· Health and Wellness
· Transportation and Logistics
· Branding and Marketing
· Building your Brand
· Using Media Channels
· Contracts
· Contract Considerations
· Contract Tips
· Planning ahead

Approximately 1 hour of video content


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+ Earn 600 NEST Points Bonus for your purchase of this product!


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